12 June 2020

Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Do you suffer with many different aches and pains? Are your main complaints chronic fatigue and muscle aches? Do you feel like you have the flu? Do you also suffer with any of the following:

Anxiety, back stiffness, candida, can’t concentrate, depression, difficulty or inability to learn new information or skills, digestive disorders, dizziness, frequent skin rashes, more frequent bruising, hair loss, heart palpitations, hot flushes, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) low blood pressure, low body temperature, migraines/headaches, multiple sensitivity to foods, pollen, molds, medicines or alcohol, nerve pain, numbness or tingling sensations, pain in jaw area (TMJ), tinnitus, frequent ear infections, PMT, sensitivity to noise, bright lights, sensitivity to weather changes, sore throat, stiffness and aching in muscles, tender lymph nodes, struggle to absorb information, substantially impaired memory and concentration, thick foggy head, un-refreshing sleep or insomnia.

In my book ONE STEP AT A TIME, I explain how in May 2002 I became ill with the “flu” and went downhill from there. Its taken me six years to get my health back. I read everything I could get my hands on and spoke to many different therapists. FM and CFS is a serious and real illness – you can’t just leave it and take drugs – that does not work - you have to make lifestyle changes. Fortunately there are many things you can do and many professionals are there to help you.

This is  a drug free way to natural healing - sure its fine to take drugs to help now and then, but no good only relying on these and adding more and more to  the mix when you keep on having more side effects from them.

I diarised everything from the beginning and the book is written in a month to month form. Remembering how confused, brain fogged and anxious I felt, I hope it helps to motivate, uplift and inspire you – even when some people may be negative or disbelieving (because they don’t actually have a clue about this illness) do not let this stop you in trying your very best to improve your health. Maybe you won’t have to do everything that I have, perhaps yours will be an easier and faster improvement – we are all different. This book will hopefully give you a broader and very general understanding of health problems – not only FM and CFS.

It is a 380 pg book and the price is R150- plus R30 postage in South Africa. PDF format is R120-
Discount offered if both print books are ordered together. 
If you would like one please email Barbara Shepherd at:- barbshepherd@mweb.co.za
If you are overseas you may find it easier to order and pay through:  www.publisher.co.za - my books are listed here, also available in PDF.

phone 021 7822098 or 072 437 2810

Website: http://www.onesteplifecoaching.co.za

13 June 2009


click on to enlarge!
April/May 2009 Edition

08 April 2009

Just to announce that My second book called "Starting over" is complete. My book ONE STEP AT A TIME finishes off in September 2007 with me having improved my health about 70%. After this time, I went on to making new discoveries which have resulted in me getting my life back and becoming well again - see the bottom photo of me on the mountain!! So, STARTING OVER continues where the first book ends. It deals with some facts and figures (as before) but most of the book explains "my journey" through all of this and what I learnt - short stories of for instance: handling stress differently, coping with change, feeling thankful, are you a perfectionist?, watching your emotions, play like a child, opening up to people etc. I would like to include here one short paragraph as an example :-
I believe we all have our lessons to learn in this lifetime and we must remember who we are deep down – before we got messed up with all our wrong thoughts that we accumulated over the years. Sift back through the many layers that you wrapped around yourself to protect yourself and start peeling them off one by one. As you do this, you will uncover things you said and did popping back up into your mind as I did!
Things you told yourself and things other people told you – your parents, your teachers, your friends – inspect and examine each belief – does it serve you now – have you spent years believing this? As you uncover and discard some of the beliefs, you will find yourself going deeper and deeper within and feeling lighter and lighter! More and more you will discover your joyfulness again – believe me this is the most important journey you will ever make – but it is not for the faint-hearted, it is for people who want to discover their joy again – for people who are not afraid of moving through their fears and false beliefs to come out on the other side filled with love, light and a sense of how beautiful everything is! If you are one of these people – ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY!!

sells for R120 - postage extra in South Africa. 

PDF format R100
Disc offered if both print books are ordered together.


26 January 2009


August 2009 - I am now a fully qualified New Insights Life Coach - you will be able to find me on the New Insights Africa web page in about a months time when their new "Find a coach page" is up and running - the present one is currently full.
For more info on my life coaching, please go to my website: www.onesteplifecoaching.co.za

06 October 2008


Take 3 cups of suppressed past issues
Stir in a cup of bad living habits
Gently fold in lots of environmental toxins
Pour into a pot and leave to simmer for a few years
Then mix in some free radicals, bad bacteria and candida yeast
Add 1 cup of your beliefs and responses to life
Beat 1/2 the hormones needed and add in (discard the other half)
Whip in a dash of genetic influence
Boil for another 5 to 30 years
Then throw in the "final straw" - accident, flu, operation etc
Allow to cool - then see what you have produced?
FM and CFS!